I've been a little annoyed so far this year really not having any project to work on, as everyone probably knows the most fun part of being involved in any sort of film related course is the part where you actually make your idea on screen, which not only due to covid but also just what's happening on my courses has mean I've been stuck doing a lot of paperwork and pre productions for projects i'm not even going to make which can be a little frustrating and maybe almost a little depressing. However looking back on my year so far i don't think any of this time was wasted and in fact I've probably done some even more valuable work over this time than if i'd had actual projects going on.
While pre-production and paperwork has always been boring to me I've actually realised some very important things, if i hadn't had to create a portfolio for my course you wouldn't be reading this blog post right not (assuming someone other than me is actually reading this blog post right now), I've also made mock pitches of creative packages which i would have no idea how to do before this and something i'm probably going to have to do for real before I die if I want to get paid working in this industry. The main thing i'm taking away is that there is more to making movies than just the production, I'd like to be able to only work production but even that all comes with paperwork and it's good to learn that now rather than later.
Trust the process is something I hear over and over again on the internet and through others and it's very much true, next semester will be a chance to work on some real projects that I am very excited for, and with projects to choose from such as one involving volumetric film making techniques all the pre-production work, whilst maybe not being for our actual projects is paying off.
So watch this space! Things to come and i can't wait to be doing it finally